Francine’s original plans at WWE NXT 2300 revealed “Because my core is so weak, just lifting myself up getting into the ring is slow. So, I was just like, well, I guess I’m not going to be able to do it,” said Francine, who underwent abdominal reconstruction surgery in 2019. Dawn Marie ended up filling the special referee slot, with Francine subsequently offered a backstage interview segment, but also had to turn that down after losing her voice at ComicCon:
“I went to Rhode Island ComicCon for four days, and I talked, and I talked, and I talked, and I lost my voice. So on Tuesday, they sent me a script to be a backstage interviewer, and I go, ‘Ugh, I can’t do this either; My voice is shot,’” continued Francine. “I went to Rhode Island ComicCon for four days, and I talked, and I talked, and I talked, and I lost my voice. So on Tuesday, they sent me a script to be a backstage interviewer, and I go, ‘Ugh, I can’t do this either; My voice is shot,’” continued Francine. “I went to Rhode Island ComicCon for four days, and I talked, and I talked, and I talked, and I lost my voice. So on Tuesday, they sent me a script to be a backstage interviewer, and I go, ‘Ugh, I can’t do this either; My voice is shot,’” continued Francine.